Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Enough Already

In my eyes a headach should not last longer than it takes the medication you took for it to work. Sometimes it's 10-15 minutes after I pop a few asprin or whatever. Last night while packing away Christmas items I had one come one. The one where you see spots. The "drop everything and run for the medicine cabinet one". Three hours later I still had it. By 11pm the spots went away but the dull ache was still there. That is how I woke up this morning. Re-medicated on went on my way. At least the spots were gone. This continued through out my day. Everytime I bent over or turned my head the dull ache was there. At lunch I popped a few asprin from the Company medicine chest and threw in a sinus tab for good measure. How bad could it be. By 2pm it was gone. It sucks working 7 of your 8 hour day with a nagging ache.

I've become so skilled as a painter that I can now phone paint. We took a little trip to Menards Sunday morning for a few things. Paint was not on the list. My husband should know better than to leave me alone to long at Menards. Ideas pop into my head. I roamed around the home decorating area and read a few brochures that were laying around. I bought 3 gallons of paint. He's lucky that he came along when he did or right now he'd be ripping up carpet and installing flooring. I was going to put off the painting but when I got home and felt a little bored I dragged out the stuff and began to paint my dining room. One stoke and the phone rang. Stupidly I did not look at the caller ID first. I winced when I heard the voice of my former roomie and good friend. This girl can talk! There is no cutting her off. So I listened, commented every once in awhile and proceeded to paint my entire dining room while on the phone. She was a little shocked when 2 1/2 hours later she said "I suppose I should let you go so you can paint" and I broke the news to her that I was already washing brushes. I have a hallway to paint...I may just call her this weekend.


Hey Jo said...

I have a new house with a pink kitchen that needs to be painted..... I'll even provide the phone ;)

OMW said...
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