Monday, October 02, 2006

Escape Artist

We boarded our dog this past weekend just as we usually do when we go camping. It'd be easier to leave her home if our boarder could be trusted to care for her. She seems to enjoy going as she's usually crying at the door while we're packing. We tried to figure out this time what actually triggers her knowledge that she's going. We made several trips to the truck packing but it seems that what did it was the cooler. She seems to love the vet so there's no hesitation when she gets there. Usually she spends the entire day she comes home sleeping. But not today.
A picked her up earlier today and when I got home she was sitting by the door. I had taken some things in the house and went back out to my truck. I thought I heard her collar (it jingles) but looked across the street and saw the neighbors dog was out. I got back in and was looking around for her and she was not in the house or back yard. I then heard her dog barking. I walked to the front yard and there she was, dumb as an ox, sitting in the middle of the road barking at a car. This is a first. Sadie has never left the yard on her own. I gave her a little credit as she came right to me when I called her. Needless to say she got a little bit of a scoulding from me and then for the first time ever I heard A raise his voice to her. What I thought was funny is the neighbor across the street looked a little shocked to see me dragging this dog home. Apparently she must be so good that no one noticed we had a dog. Well duh...she doesn't bark at intruders and especially at any midnight lawn services.
Going to watch some of the Packer Game tonight. Hopefully they'll do something, like score or win. Hopefully our power won't go out as it's flickered several times. What's up with all the storms? This is October not May or April.

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